Tongarra Family Practice provides a wide range of medical services to the local community under the one roof, so you need not waste your valuable time.
We provide an on site Pathology Collection and a pharmacist. We do testing for patients on warfarin (a blood thinner), provide home blood pressure monitoring as well as glucose monitoring for diabetics.
We have a skilled and experienced nursing staff who can advise on wound and ulcer management, weight loss, continence and conduct pap smears, perform immunisation, advise on the management of asthma and perform check-ups on children as they start school.
Our nurses are skilled in cardiographs, Ear Toileting for removal of ear wax and assisting in the care of pregnancy by way of doppler testing for fetal heart rate. They can also test your lower limb circulation by means of a doppler test.
Tongarra Family Practice ©2023. Open hours: 8.30am to 1.00pm & 2.00pm - 6.00pm Mond to Fri. Closed Sat & Sun - call 4228 5522
175-177 Tongarra Road Albion Park, NSW 2527