Tongarra Family Practice Facebook (02) 4257 2111
After hours 24/7 Wollongong Radio Doctor (02) 4228 5522
Tongarra Family Practice Services is an
Accredited General Practice
We're a Southern IML
Pathology Collection Centre

Prevention of Illness

Prevention of Illness

Prevention is the best cure. Tongarra Family Practice treat many people with multiple common ailments such as asthma, airways disease from smoking, arthritis, diabetes, blood pressure and stroke, heart disease, cancer, depression or reflux.

Many of these diseases can be prevented. A check-up is the easiest way to identify which health problems you may be prone to and to organise a health care plan to take the necessary steps to stay healthy.

If you have a family history of any diseases at all, a one off check-up is a good idea. A check-up once you turn 35 is a great idea. From 45 it is a must. From 50 you should do it yearly.

Tongarra Family Practice ©2023. Open hours: 8.30am to 1.00pm & 2.00pm - 6.00pm Mond to Fri. Closed Sat & Sun - call 4228 5522

175-177 Tongarra Road Albion Park, NSW 2527

We're COVID Safe.

We are in support of

& local sporting groups.

Website by IT&T

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