It is important to have a pap smear within 2 years of becoming sexually active. Pap smears should then be repeated at least every 2 years to age 70 and more often if indicated. Pap results are available within a week and a referral for further tests and treatment will be offered if indicated.
Breast examination should be performed annually by a doctor and more often if indicated. Self breast examination will be taught and should be performed monthly. Referral for mammogram and /or ultrasound will be recommended if indicated. Screening mammograms are recommended from age 40.
Menopause assessment (including blood tests and bone mineral density tests) may be indicated particularly for women who have symptoms or have osteoporosis (thinning of the bones). A family history of osteoporosis is significant and we will advise if further investigation is necessary. Treatment will be recommended if indicated.
Certain contraceptives can cause unwanted side effects such as weight gain. On the other hand they can improve certain problems such as period irregularity or acne. You need the right one for you and your lifestyle.
If you suspect you have an infection (STD), it is important to have this diagnosed promptly as early treatment can prevent complications such as infertility or spread to partners.
Antenatal shared pregnancy/pregnancy management and advice is available (including referral for 12 week antenatal blood testing, early pregnancy scans / nuchal scans and referral to an Antenatal Clinic or Obstetrician).
Tongarra Family Practice ©2023. Open hours: 8.30am to 1.00pm & 2.00pm - 6.00pm Mond to Fri. Closed Sat & Sun - call 4228 5522
175-177 Tongarra Road Albion Park, NSW 2527